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A Pause in My Vacation

May 23, 2012

Alaska is a unique place in which to travel. I began in Anchorage near the beginning of May.  I arrived late in the evening, took a motel transport to meet-up with my daughter.  There the blissful night of sleep began and ended.  I awoke to giggling grandsons, who were delighted to see their grandma.

 The day began with a huge breakfast at an off-the main drag restaurant that I cannot remember its name, with what could be scrambled together as a Vegan faire. My grandsons amazed me with huge appetites, my daughter so delighted to see me that chatty-Cathy would have been shamed.  But, I just drank it all in and was thrilled they were happy!

We next explored the Science museum.  It was especially the children’s hands-on section we lingered the longest.


-This photograph was found on Flickr-“thespouses” photostream.

After which, we piled into the car.  The trip to the Eielson Air force base was awesomely beautiful with the Denali forest to pass by and snow capped rugged mountains in the distance.

The highway was only two-lane travel, winding, and no road-side rests. So poddy stops were the nearest picked pile of gravel or bush…and the was an interesting experience for a grandma, who hadn’t “roughed-it” in for-ever!!

Not a whole lot of the many places we saw was open for the public.  It was too early in the spring to see any tourist spots.  The birch had only begun to bud-out, and the winter starkness was still evident. 



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